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The Parish Council does not have the power to determine planning applications but is consulted by South Oxfordshire District Council on all applications under consideration. Members of S.O.D.C. or officers with delegated powers make the decisions.

Clicking on an underlined Planning Application link will take you directly to the South Oxfordshire District Council Planning Portal where you can access full details of the application, view any associated plans, comment on the application, read the comments made by the Parish Council and read the decision when it has been made.

This list is refreshed every Monday.

If you need to know anything about planning, whether thinking about making an application or worrying about one that might affect you, the Government Planning Portal has everything you might need to know and lots more besides.

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Neighbourhood Development Plan Review

The public consultation on the draft revised Sonning Common Neighbourhood Development Plan closed on 01 December 2021.

The Draft Plan is available to view at here and the result of the Referendum here.


Planning 2025

Bishopswood Sports Centre Horsepond Road Gallowstree Common
The replacement of three antennas and the removal of three antennas at 25.90m with the installation of associated ancillary equipment on an existing 24.00m high lattice tower. The upgrade makes use of an existing telecommunications facility. The upgrade is minor in nature and will not increase height or visual impact of the existing site.


Planning 2024

Chiltern Evangelical Church Grove Road Sonning Common
Demolition of the existing church buildings and erection of a new church facility, together with the provision of on-site vehicular and cycle parking and extensive landscaping.


52 Peppard Road Sonning Common
Discharge of condition 4 (Tree Protection (General)) on application P24/S3466/HH (Demolition of existing garage and conservatory. Replacement garage and kitchen extension including ancillary residential accommodation in roof. New porch. Associated landscaping)


Sewage Treatment Works Sonning Common
Screening opinion


Chiltern Edge Secondary School Reades Lane Sonning Common
Application for sport mitigation measures associated with adjacent residential application at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge.


21 Peppard Road Sonning Common
Loft conversion incorporating front dormers, rear dormer and roof lights to provide first floor accommodation to an existing bungalow


The Dorian Centre Bird Wood Court Sonning Common
Reserved matters application for the details of appearance, layout, landscaping and scale following Outline Approval P23/S1824/O (Outline application for access only for the erection of up to 9 dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping, works to the Dorian Centre to provide repairs and sustainability upgrades, and construction of new car park facility for the Dorian Centre)


89 Kennylands Road Sonning Common
Proposed garage conversion to convert existing garage to a sitting room and boot room. Existing garage door on rear elevation to be replaced with double-glazed window/door assembly and existing pedestrian door on front elevation to be replaced with double-glazed window. Existing internal wall within bungalow removed and replaced with steel beams


50 Grove Road Sonning Common
First floor extension, single storey rear extension and adaptation of existing roof, porch and amendments to existing garage building


White Cottage Peppard Road Sonning Common
Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) on planning application P24/S1422/FUL- utilise the planning approved roof space to create a Gym and Entertainment Room to plots 1 & 2 and velux window to the rear and side elevation and two flat rooflights to the flat roof area to plots 1 & 2. Erection of three detached dwelling houses with associated parking and amenity space, following demolition of the existing dwelling.


Chiltern Edge Secondary School Reades Lane Sonning Common
Redevelopment of playing fields including demolition of former kindergarten building and multi-use games area and erection of 50 dwellings (including 40% affordable housing) together with associated access, parking, drainage and landscaping.


52 Peppard Road Sonning Common
Demolition of existing garage and conservatory. Replacement garage and kitchen extension including ancillary residential accommodation in roof. New porch. Associated landscaping


Appletree Cottage Blounts Court Road Sonning Common
Erection of a replacement dwelling (self build)


65 Shiplake Bottom Peppard Common 
Single storey extensions to front and rear


49 Woodlands Road Sonning Common
Existing detached garage changed to music room and flat roof level raised.


22 Birch Close Sonning Common
Proposed single storey rear extension


10 Wood Lane Close Sonning Common
Removal of existing side lean-to, for development of single storey side extension, and a single storey rear extension.


8 Beech Rise Sonning Common
Single storey side and rear extension to existing bungalow. Erection of a workshop building.


32A Grove Road Sonning Common
Installation of an air-source heat pump


Walnut House Peppard Road Sonning Common
Two storey side and rear extension


Granary House Blounts Court Road Sonning Common
Single storey rear extension, first floor rear extension over existing kitchen and first floor side extension over garage


White Cottage Peppard Road Sonning Common
Construction of three detached dwelling houses with associated parking and amenity space, following demolition of the existing dwellings to replace the extant permission reference P23/S3749/FUL.


57 Wood Lane Sonning Common
Use of granny annex as a separate self contained dwelling house together with two windows installed in the North facing side wall in breach of conditions 3 & 4 of planning permission P00/S0543 dated 29th September 2000.


50 Grove Road Sonning Common
Additional storey to an existing building



Elderberry Barn Blackmore Lane Sonning Common
Conversion of attached garage into living space with fenestration changes


The Old Barn Peppard Road Sonning Common
Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) on application P21/S3763/HH - omitting the originally proposed first floor gabled extension to the front (north) elevation, and substituting instead a smaller hipped dormer extension in the same position. (Demolition of lean to, and erection of attached garage, amendments to front elevation, addition of porch and creation of first floor gable extension, and fenestration amendments)


1 Woodbury Close Sonning Common
Single storey rear extension. New ground floor window on side elevation


40 Kennylands Road Sonning Common
New rear extension, loft conversion, new front extension for new entrance porch, new rear garden room with retaining wall and new separate double garage on front driveway.


Little Sparrows Sonning Common
Discharge of condition 22 (Archaeological Watching Brief Report) on application P22/S3921/S73 (Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on application P19/S4576/O for the addition of solar panels and minor alterations to the substation. (Hybrid planning application for the development of a continuing care retirement community care village (Use Class C2) of up to 133 units with ancillary Communal and care facilities and green space consisting of (i) A full planning application for 73 assisted living units within a "village core" building with ancillary communal and care facilities, gardens, green space, landscaping and car parking areas and residential blocks B1- B4; and (ii) An outline application (all matters reserved except access) for up to 60 assisted living units with ancillary community space, gardens, green space and landscaping and car parking areas at Little Sparrows, Sonning Common)).


32A Grove Road Sonning Common Reading
Update and slightly extend current dormers to the first floor, replace the glazing to the ground floor rear, with a larger window and a fixed panel window. Update terrace and garden steps. Addition of a timber clad front porch


5 Kedge Road Sonning Common
Install conservatory to the rear of the property


98 Wood Lane Sonning Common
Loft conversion with hip to barn hip conversion and rear dormer.


58 Wood Lane Sonning Common
Discharge of conditions 3 (Materials), 5 (New vehicular access), 10 (Obscure glazing) on application P22/S2814/FUL (s73 Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on application P21/S0120/FUL to: 1. External Chimney changed to false roof chimney 2. Single story rear extension moved to north-east side. Alteration to roof)


10 Thyme Close Sonning Common
Replacement garage roof to provide additional ancillary home office accommodation to main dwellinghouse.


Land to the East of The Old Stables Blackmore Lane Sonning Common
Construction of a new access to a highway


The Dorian Centre Bird Wood Court Sonning Common
Modification of S52 Agreement dated 31 March 1983 between Maurice and Patricia Webb & SODC under application reference P82/S0433/O to amend the agreement plan by removing the area of land shown highlighted green.


33 Baskerville Road Sonning Common
Demolition of detached storage building and erection of single storey side extension.


3 Carling Road Sonning Common
Single storey front extension with garage conversion; single storey rear extension following demolition of the existing conservatory with new flat roof to the existing side extension; first floor side extension; changes to ground floor fenestration


Widmore Park Blounts Court Road Sonning Common
Sheet piling (below ground works) for the previously approved retaining wall.


Bishopswood Farm Reades Lane Gallowstree Common
Erection of seven dwellings with parking, amenity space and new pedestrian link into Sonning Common. Removal of existing steel framed Dutch barn and cattle barn and re-use of former pole barn for domestic storage in association with the proposed dwellings.


Little Sparrows Sonning Common
Discharge of conditions 6 (Biodiversity Enhancement Plan (outline element) and 18 (Lighting) on application P22/S3921/S73 (Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on application P19/S4576/O for the addition of solar panels and minor alterations to the substation).


White Cottage Peppard Road Sonning Common
Discharge of conditions 9 (Details of Microgeneration System (prior to installation), 15 (Cycle Parking Facilities), 18 (Details of Biodiversity Enhancements), 19 (Biodiversity Offsetting prior to commencement), 21 (Surface Water Drainage) and 22 (Foul Water Drainage) on application P23/S3749/FUL (Construction of three detached dwelling houses with associated parking and amenity space, following demolition of the existing dwellings).


Widmore Park Phase 2 Blounts Court Road Sonning Common
Reserved matters application in relation to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to planning permission (P22/S3921/S73) for the erection of 60 assisted living units. (Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on application P19/S4576/O for the addition of solar panels and minor alterations to the substation. (Hybrid planning application for the development of a continuing care retirement community care village (Use Class C2) of up to 133 units with ancillary Communal and care facilities and green space consisting of (i) A full planning application for 73 assisted living units within a "village core" building with ancillary communal and care facilities, gardens, green space, landscaping and car parking areas and residential blocks B1- B4; and (ii) An outline application (all matters reserved except access) for up to 60 assisted living units with ancillary community space, gardens, green space and landscaping and car parking areas at Little Sparrows, Sonning Common)).


White Cottage Peppard Road Sonning Common
Discharge of conditions 9 (Details of Microgeneration System (prior to installation), 15 (Cycle Parking Facilities), 18 (Details of Biodiversity Enhancements), 19 (Biodiversity Offsetting prior to commencement), 21 (Surface Water Drainage) and 22 (Foul Water Drainage) on application P23/S3749/FUL (Construction of three detached dwelling houses with associated parking and amenity space, following demolition of the existing dwellings)


The Church of Christ the King Sedgewell Road Sonning Common
Improvements to the existing roof, plus addition of new rooflight above social room. Improvements to external surroundings of the existing church, mainly to replace existing paving stones on the pathway. A new single storey front extension to accommodate a new entrance to the church. The addition of new windows to the church space, to allow for more daylight into the room.


Springhill Kidmore Lane Sonning Common
Demolition of single storey conservatory and proposed new two storey dwelling with integral garage on land to west of Springhill served by existing access with parking and amenity space.


81 Peppard Road Sonning Common
Single storey side extension to form garage


4 Baskerville Road Sonning Common
Ground floor infills on both side elevations. Rear corner infill extension with new dormer extension and interior alterations


6 Grove Road Sonning Common
Side flat roof dormer


53 Peppard Road Sonning Common
Single storey side and rear extensions, and dormer loft conversion including alterations to roofing and addition of two front dormers (alteration to approved plans under application refs P22/S3444/HH and P23/S0737/S73)


Cherrytrees Woodlands Road Sonning Common
Proposed garage conversion to habitable use and ground floor re-modelling.


15 Wood Lane Close Sonning Common
Discharge of condition 9 (surface water drainage works) on application P22/S1823/FUL (Proposed extension, to create a separate dwelling and alterations to the retained dwelling).


20 Lea Road Sonning Common
Proposed front extension, internal alterations and all associated works


White Cottage Peppard Road Sonning Common
Erection of a two-storey detached dwelling and extensions to the existing dwelling including associated access arrangements (alternative to planning permission ref: P23/S0485/FUL).


28 Newfield Road Sonning Common
Hip to gable extension on both sides of the main roof, loft conversion to create a master bedroom including flat roof rear dormer and removal of chimneys.



Previous years Planning Applications can be found in the Archive.

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Acting Parish Clerk:
Sara Underwood
Vicky Boorman


address:Sonning Common Parish Council
Village Hall
Wood Lane
Sonning Common

phone: Tel: 0118 972 3616

Copyright © 2019-2024 Mike Henson and Sonning Common Parish Council